How to access Google APIs using OAuth 2.0 in Postman


Don’t forget to register here to attend POST/CON 24, Postman’s biggest API conference ever: April 30 to May 1, 2024 in San…

My ScrapingBee journey


Here at Postman, we have been harvesting publicly available OpenAPI artifacts from GitHub for a couple of months to better understand how…

Show your gRPC APIs in action with examples


To enrich your API documentation and make your API experience even more delightful, we’ve just extended support for examples to Postman’s gRPC…

Create reusable tests and scripts with OpenAPI reusable components


In programming, “hacking” has historically meant making something do what it wasn’t originally intended to do, like using a whistle from a…

What Is API-first design?


An API-first strategy involves leveraging APIs to save time and money and deliver maximum value. API-first design can help organizations achieve that…

Set up a WebSocket server in Node.js


Don’t forget to register here to attend POST/CON 24, Postman’s biggest API conference ever: April 30 to May 1, 2024 in San…

Postman Quickstarts: a hands-on learning experience


Postman Quickstarts is a new hands-on, tutorial learning experience for the Postman community. Most Quickstarts lessons will guide you through the process…

Recommended Postman skills for API testing professionals


A while back, I highlighted the top jobs requiring Postman experience. Since then, APIs have only become even more important to software…

How to review Postman test results


When you review API test results in Postman, you want to know if the tests pass or fail. It’s also important to…

Introducing support for templating in Postman mock servers


We’re continuously striving to advance the Postman API Platform with the tools and solutions that will help you build your APIs easily…

How to make your APIs available to more consumers


In Postman’s Guide to API-First, we elaborate on how API producers and consumers interact in a full API lifecycle. Producers and consumers…

Open data APIs: standards, best practices, and implementation challenges

At this year’s API Specifications Conference (ASC), Postman Data Lead Pascal Heus gave a presentation on open data standards. Pascal has been…

Postman's annual user conference

Gain new skills through hands-on workshops, hear from industry leaders, and join conversations about innovation, APIs, and the future of software.